李姓的起源The origin of Li关于李姓的得姓历史,有很多说法,但最广为接受的一种是,它源于姓嬴,是尧帝时期的司法大臣皋陶的后裔。皋陶的儿子伯益继承了父亲的职位,并被舜帝赐姓嬴。伯益的后代也连续三代担任司法大臣,并采用了李姓,与理同音。其中一位就是李利贞,他是道教创始人老子的祖先。老子的原名叫李耳,是李利贞的第十一代孙。
There are many theories about how the surname Li came to be, but the most widely accepted one is that it originated from the surname Ying, which was given to the descendants of Gao Tao, a minister of justice under Emperor Yao. Gao Tao’s son Bo Yi inherited his father’s position and was granted the surname Ying by Emperor Shun. Bo Yi’s descendants also served as ministers of justice for three generations, and they adopted the surname Li, which was pronounced the same as Li, meaning “justice” or “law”. One of them was Li Lizhen, who was the ancestor of Laozi, the founder of Taoism. Laozi’s original name was Li Er, and he was the eleventh generation of Li Lizhen.
Another saying is that the surname Li originated from the Li Lizhen, who was the ancestor of Laozi (Li Er), and after the ancient emperor Zhuanxu, he was the descendant of Gaotao, Li Zheng, whose name was Deling, and was sealed as Zhongwu Bo. He was a Li official during the reign of King Zhou of Yin. Because he enforced the law like a mountain, he disobeyed King Zhou’s will and brought about his death. The family faced the danger of being implicated. His wife Qi He took his young son Li Zhen and fled to Yihou Ruins. He was hungry and thirsty. He picked up the plum on the side of the road to fill his hunger and survived. Finally, he arrived in Kuxian County in eastern Henan (now east of Luyi County, Henan). One feels the grace of Li Zi’s life, and the second is to change his surname to avoid disaster. Therefore, Li Lizhen changed his surname to Li Lizhen and later moved to Longxi. Since then, the Li family has continued for generations and developed into the first surname in China.
There are also other sources of Li, such as ethnic minorities who adopted or were given the surname Li when they assimilated into Han culture, such as some Mongols, Tibetans, Hui and Manchus. Some people also changed their surnames to Li to show their loyalty or affiliation to the Tang dynasty, which had Li as its royal surname. For example, Li Yuanhao, the founder of the Western Xia dynasty, was originally from the Tuoba clan of the Xianbei people.
李姓的人口和分布The population and distribution of Li李姓是亚洲乃至世界上最多人口的姓氏之一。根据Ancestry.com 2019年的一份报告,李姓在全球最常见姓氏的排行榜上位居第二,约有1.04亿人拥有这个姓氏。仅在中国,2016年就有约9500万人姓李,占总人口的7.94%,在所有姓氏中排名第一。
Li is one of the most populous surnames in Asia and the world. According to a 2019 report by Ancestry.com, Li ranked second in the global list of most common surnames, with about 104 million people bearing this surname. In China alone, there were about 95 million people with the surname Li in 2016, accounting for 7.94% of the total population and ranking first among all surnames.
Li has a wide distribution across China and beyond. Historically, Li originated from Henan province and spread to other regions such as Shanxi, Hebei, Shaanxi, Sichuan and Hubei during the Qin and Han dynasties. During the Tang dynasty, Li reached its peak of prosperity and influence, and expanded to Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian and Hainan in the south, as well as Korea and Vietnam in the east. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, Li continued to migrate to other places such as Yunnan, Guizhou, Taiwan and Southeast Asia.
Today, nearly 30% of Li’s population is concentrated in Henan, Sichuan and Shandong provinces. Henan alone has about 10.8% of Li’s population, making it the province with the most people with this surname. Other provinces with large numbers of Li include Shanxi, Shaanxi, Hebei and Jiangxi. The province with the highest proportion of Li among its Han population is Qinghai, with 11.4%.
Li is a surname with a long history and a rich culture. It has produced many outstanding figures in various fields such as politics, religion, literature, art and science. It is also a surname that reflects the diversity and integration of Chinese civilization, as it incorporates elements from different ethnic groups and regions. Li is not only a name, but also a symbol of identity and heritage.
李晟的高祖父李芝、曾祖父李嵩、祖父李思恭都并不显赫,或为小官,或任裨将,李晟的父亲李钦一度曾任职三品左金吾卫将军,因朝廷派系斗争,被贬黜至陇西守边关,其墓尚存今甘肃临洮,李晟出生于洮州临潭(今甘肃省临潭县)军营,自李氏始祖皋陶(血缘始祖)第92世孙。生十五子,名李侗、李偲、李偕、李愿、李聰、李摠、李愻、李凭、李恕、李宪、李愬、李懿、李听、李惎、李慇。以李宪、李愬最勇敢慈孝。微信公众号:李氏家族 持续为大家讲解。