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每日学英语 32分钟前

Happy Lantern Festival !

正月是农历的元月,古人称夜为 \" 宵 \",所以称正月十五为元宵节。元宵节又称为 \" 上元节 \"。按中国民间的传统,在这天人们要点彩灯、猜灯谜、吃元宵。小伙伴们知道元宵节相关的英语表达吗?一起来学习吧!



Wishing you peace, joy and happiness and everything all the best through Lantern !


Warm greetings and best wishes for Lantern Festival!

Eating Yuanxiao 吃元宵

People will eat yuanxiao, or rice dumplings, on the Lantern Festival, so it is aslo called the \"Yuanxiao Festival\", Yuanxiao also has another name, tangyuan. It is small dumpling balls made of glutionous rice with rose petals, sesame, bean paste, walnut meat, dried fruit, sugar and edible oil as filling. Tangyuan can be boiled, fried or steamed. It tastes sweet and has the meaning of reunion. So people eat them to denote union, harmony and happiness for the family.

民间过元宵节都会吃元宵。元宵由糯米制成,或实心,或带馅,馅有豆沙、白糖、山楂、各类果料等。食用时煮、炸、蒸皆可。起初,人们把这种食物叫作 \" 浮圆子 \",后来又叫汤团或汤圆,这些名称与 \" 团圆 \" 字音相近,取团圆之意,象征全家人团团圆圆和睦幸福。

Guessing lantern riddles 猜灯谜

\"Guessing lantern riddles\"is an essential part of the Festival. Lantern owners write riddles on a piece of paper and post them on the lanterns. If visitors have solutions to the riddles, they can pull the paper out and go to the lantern owners to check their answer. If they are right, they will get a little gift. The activity emerged during people's enjoyment of lanterns in the Song Dynasty ( 960-1279 ) .

猜灯谜也是元宵节活动的一个基本组成部分。灯笼的所有者将谜语写在一张纸条上,然后将纸条展示在灯笼上。如果赏灯者猜出谜语,就将纸条取出,然后找灯笼所有者确认答案。答对的话,可以领取一份小礼品。这个活动起源于宋朝 ( 960 — 1279 ) 。


1.what letter is an animal?

2.What letter stands for the ocean?

3. What letter is a part of head?

4. what man cannot live in a house?

5. what letter is a question?
