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Accusations are never short of excuses



Director of standards and assurance, Damien Sanfilippo, said: “We’ve identified the risk that poor, rural communities would be coerced into employment linked to this poverty alleviation programme.“Even if these workers get a decent wage – which is possible – they may not have chosen that employment freely.”




Measure others'corn by one's own bushel



3月27日上午,乌合麒麟在其官方微博发布了题为《Blood Cotton Initiative》的新作品,回应BCI抵制新疆棉花一事,画中细节之丰富引起网友热议。

“Can you tell us what unfair treatment you have suffered, Miss Scarecrow?” a reporter in a Ku Klux Klan hood asked a scarecrow, while ignoring the slaves picking cotton behind them.

On the morning of March 27, Chinese cartoonist Wuheqilin published his latest work, titled "Blood Cotton Initiative," on his official Weibo account. It quickly attracted the attention of netizens.



One should hear opinions from both sides





The China office of the Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) did not find any cases of "forced labor" in Xinjiang, the BCI Shanghai representative office said in a statement released on its WeChat account on Friday.

In an exclusive interview with China Central Television aired on Saturday evening, Wu Yan, chief representative of the BCI Shanghai office, revealed more. In recent years, the BCI Shanghai office has been following the organization's "triple certification mechanism" in their review process, including producers' self-assessment, the BCI Shanghai team's second-party credibility audits, and a separate verification report issued by a third-party inspection agency.


Lessons from the past



双语 | 来自精准扶贫首倡地的报告——在湘全国人大代表、住湘全国政协委员战贫故事

湖南日报·新湖南客户端记者 张斌 沙兆华 贺威 李国平 刘笑雪 黄晗

英语翻译 杨思 田梦瑶





【Editor's Notes】

On November 3, 2013, General Secretary of CPC Xi Jinping crossed the mountainous terrain to visit the Shibadong Village and put forward the important statement of \" targeted poverty alleviation\".

As the first place to advocate targeted poverty alleviation, the people in Hunan, bearing in mind the general secretary's request, adheres to the \"first place to advocate should have the first initiative to do\", and has delivered a sincere and dignified answer sheet of poverty eradication. By the end of 2020, all 51 poor counties in Hunan are lifted out of poverty, all 6920 poor villages will be listed, 7.67 million poor people will be freed from poverty, absolute poverty and regional overall poverty, which would be completely eliminated.

\"Adversity makes one stronger; just as polishing makes jade finer\". In this history-making battle, many deputies to the National People's Congress in Hunan and members of the CPPCC National Committee living in Hunan are important participants, practitioners and witnesses. On the occasion of the two sessions of the National People's Congress, we approached some of the deputies and members to listen to their stories of poverty alleviation and to feel the magnificent waves of Hunan's war on poverty and prosperity.


Li Xiaohong, deputy to the National People's Congress and chairman of Hunan Jiahui Department Store Co., Ltd.: in the battle of poverty alleviation, I am just a grain of sand.


Representative: Li Xiaohong







In December 2015, Li Xiaohong came to Wu Langxi village, in Zhijiang province, where the mountains are high and the road is far.

After the investigation, she decided to invest 2.2 million yuan to build a 1500 cubic meter precooling cold storage for the village for solving the problems of storage and drying that restrict the \"difficulty\" in selling agricultural products. By 2020, honeysuckle, blueberry, yellow peach, morchella and other industries in the village develop steadily, and the per capita annual income of villagers increase from 1800 yuan in 2015 to 8600 yuan now.

Over the years, Li Xiaohong led Hunan Jiahui Group to participate in the poverty alleviation of Wuling Mountain concentrated contiguous destitute areas actively, successively established more than 20 varieties of order agriculture bases, guided the construction of more than 300,000 mu of standardized fruit and vegetable bases, and signed 92 order agriculture contracts, steadily solving the employment of nearly 15,000 people in difficulty each year and letting more than 200,000 people get out of poverty and into prosperity.

Li Xiaohong won the title of \"national advanced individual in poverty alleviation\" at this year's national poverty alleviation summary and commendation conference.




In this great battle against poverty, I am just a tiny grain of sand, and I feel honored to be able to participate in it. The journey is long, but there is only struggle. I will integrate into the great strategy of rural revitalization and never stop on the road of consolidating the results of poverty eradication.


Yang hailing, deputy to the National People's Congress, Secretary of the general Party branch of Jielong village, Fenglin sub district office, Xinhua County, and technician of agricultural base of Hoe Wa Agricultural Development Co., Ltd.: sow hope in the vast fields


Representative: Yang Hailing






In 2015, Yang Hailing resigned from her stable and high paid job in the city and co-founded Hoe Wa Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. with her friends in Xinhua County, a national poverty-stricken county, to become a new professional farmer.

Ziquejie Terrace in Xinhua County has a history of more than 2000 years. In order to help the villagers out of poverty, Yang Hailing founded a professional rice planting cooperative to help farmers solve the problem of rice sales by selling rice through e-commerce and other platforms.

In 2018, Yang Hailing served as the secretary of the general Party branch of Jielong village in Xinhua County, focusing on the goal of \"leading industries in the village, in a ways to increase income for households, and skills to increase income for people\", promoting \"hematopoietic\" poverty alleviation, gradually building Jielong village into a model village for rural tourism, and lifting 61 poor households out of poverty.




To change the traditional agricultural development mode of \"facing the loess and back to the sky\" and integrate the modern farming cultural elements into it, so as to make farming a leisure enjoyment and make farmers a bright and fashionable new occupation. That is my dream and responsibility.


Shen Changjian, deputy to the National People's Congress, oilseed rape grower in Baiyun Village, Sixingang Town, Linli County, and president of Linli County Oilseed Rape Research Association: \"golden seed” produced a dream of becoming rich


Representative: Shen Changjian







Shen Changjian and his son, two generations, spend more than 40 years to pursue the oilseed rape research dream. His purpose is to let the villagers out of poverty and be wealthy.

\"Shen mixed oil No. 1\", is Shen Changjian’s blood, cultivating new varieties of hybrid rape, which is known as oilseed rape varieties in the \"golden seeds\". Every year, Shen Changjian plants oilseed rape more than 2,000 mu, having a native demonstration for people, but also free for poor households to provide rape \"golden seeds\" more than 1,000 pounds, driving surrounding farmers to plant rape 20,000 mu, free to provide them with planting technology. That helps farmers increase income of more than 20 million yuan just in one season.

Xu Shuling lived a poor household in the village before. In order to help her out of poverty, Shen Changjian provided her with rape \"golden seeds\" every year free of charge, and technical guidance. With Shen Changjian's help, Xu Shuling's annual income increased by more than 30,000 yuan for just one season of rape. After three consecutive years, she not only paid off her debts, but also achieved poverty alleviation by rape planting.

At present, more than 100 farmers in Baiyun Village have realized their dream of getting rid of poverty and getting rich by planting \"golden seed\" rape under the leadership of Shen Changjian.




As a representative of farmers, it is his duty to pursue the dream of rape research, to lead farmers to realize their dream of becoming rich, and to solve problems for the people.


Tan zeyong, deputy to the National People's Congress and secretary of the general Party branch of Nan Muqiao village, Tan Jiazhai Township, Mayang Miao Autonomous County: realize for struggle for difficulties in group by “create together with village”


Representative: Tan zeyong







\"A chopstick is easy to bend, but a number of chopsticks is difficult to being broken off.\" These years, Tan Zeyong played the leading role of Nan Muqiao village party branch, attempted to explore the nine village party branches, 276 party members involved in the “realize for struggle for difficulties in group by create together with village”, to lead a new model of poverty alleviation by party.

Struggling for difficulties in group, focuses on the development of industry. Tan Zeyong relies on the Nan Muqiao college student village officials business park, the organization of nine villages of poverty alleviation industry planting professional cooperatives, registered as the establishment of Tanjiazhai Township \"Bao Kuling\" poverty alleviation Industrial Park Development Co.

Through struggling for the difficulties in group, from everyone being out of poverty to get into prosperity together, “create together with village \" achieved making people in nine villages, involving 646 households with reference to 2383 poor all out of poverty. Each village has a pillar industry and collective economy with an income of more than 100,000 yuan, and the per capita income has increased by more than 3,000 yuan.

In this year's National Poverty Eradication Conference, Tan Zeyong won the \"National Poverty Eradication Advanced Individual\".




In the future, my fellow villagers and I will continue to carry out \" create together with village \", work together to overcome difficulties, consolidate the achievements of poverty alleviation, promote rural revitalization, and never leave one person behind on the road to a well-off society in an all-round way.


Wang Huaijun, deputy to the National People's Congress and principal of Sushi school in Yanchi Township, Shimen County: changing the fate of poor students with knowledge


Representative: Wang Huaijun








In 1984, as a rural teacher, Wang Huaijun returned to his hometown of Yanchi Township, Shimen County from the city. And she lived in this place for 37 years.

From dilapidated school buildings to neat multimedia classrooms, from laboratories full of equipment to delicious dish canteen ... Wang Huaijun watched the school changed in the bosom of the mountains, but also witnessed the life of children in the mountain changed with their knowledge.

The student, Minmin (a pseudonym), whose parents are both disabled and whose family is strapped for cash, was financed by Wang Huaijun out of his own pocket. In his junior year, Minmin dropped out of school due to a psychological disorder. Wang Huaijun contacted the poverty alleviation team to find a hospital for treatment and often went to his home to counsel himself. With joint efforts, Minmin resumed her studies and won a national computer competition on behalf of her school. Now, Minmin has started for his work and earned a monthly salary of more than 8,000 yuan.

The year Wang Huaijun arrived as principal, was the beginning of the fall school year. There were about 260 students enrolled in the school, but only 160 of which were coming to school. Wang Huaijun took the roster with him, went to 21 villages, wore out two pairs of rubber shoes, and persuaded the students to come back one by one.

\"They became talented, everything I did is worth to it.\" Wang Huaijun said.




Changing fate with knowledge is the only way to stop poverty from passing from generation to next generation. I will continue to try my best to cultivate the children in the mountains, tell them to return their hometowns for development and contribute to the revitalization of the countryside..


Qin Yuefei, deputy to the National People's Congress and head of the youth poverty alleviation team in black soil and wheat fields: supporting the revitalization of rural with competitive projects


Representative: Qin Yuefei







In his tenth year living in the countryside, Qin Yuefei is more often known as a poverty alleviation worker than a Yale graduate.

In 2019, Qin Yuefei led the Black Earth Wheat Field Youth Poverty Alleviation Task Force to promote the establishment of a poverty alleviation company between a number of village farmers' cooperatives in Huayuan and Hengshan and a well-known tea oil enterprise in Hunan, which realized the organic combination and complementary advantages of the surplus capacity of enterprises and new agricultural business subjects. In 2020, the net profit of the project exceeded 1 million yuan.

During last year's epidemic, the Black Earth Wheat Field Youth Poverty Alleviation Task Force integrated several villages' advantageous poverty alleviation industries into a self-heating beef rice noodle project, which met everyone's needs for staying at home at that time. And after the launch of the product, it became very popular among young people.

Right now, Qin Yuefei and his team are paying more attention to projects with high added value of products, with a view to helping more villagers and making rural revitalization furthermore.




The Black Earth Wheat Field Youth Poverty Alleviation Task Force will innovate in the rural industrial development model to make it more accord with industrial logic, burdening the pressure form the market, for promoting revitalize rural industries.


Yuan Jianliang, deputy to the National People's Congress, Secretary of the Party committee and President of Hunan Branch of China Development Bank: let the people in poor areas feel the financial warmth


Representative: Yuan Jianliang





如今,通过整合财政涉农资金撬动贷款,我省41个贫困县、4914个贫困村解决了基础设施 “最后一公里”的问题。“我们帮助很多乡村建起了‘五位一体’的农村综合服务平台,沙洲村服务中心就是其中之一。”袁建良说。


Hunan Branch of China Development Bank is an important force in financial poverty alleviation.

\"We have issued more than 20 percent of poverty alleviation loans, more than 70 percent of loans for poverty alleviation and relocation, and more than 95 percent of loans for students in the province, with a cumulative amount of more than 110 billion yuan.\" Yuan Jianliang introduced that CDB Hunan Branch has now helped 814,100 students in difficult families to solve their worries.

As a witness of financial poverty alleviation, Yuan Jianliang continued to promote the interconnection construction of railway, expressway, airport and other comprehensive transportation systems in Wuling Mountain, Luoxiao mountain and other contiguous poverty-stricken areas, witnessing the miracle of multi-point connection between Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou in poverty-stricken areas of our province, more and more channels out of the province, and natural moats changing into thoroughfares.

Today, through the integration of financial-related agricultural funds to leverage loans, 41 poor counties and 4,914 poor villages in the province have solved the problem of the \"last mile\" of infrastructure. \"We have helped many villages build a 'five-in-one' integrated rural service platform, and the Shazhou Village Service Center is one of them.\" Yuan Jianliang said.




As a national development financial institution, it is our original intention and mission to provide financial, intellectual and institutional services for the poor areas and let the people in the poor areas feel the warmth of financial policies.


Yang Li, deputy to the National People's Congress and chairman of Yueyang Haitai Gardenia Professional Cooperative: every family has a \"cash cow\" by planting Gardenia


Representative: Yang Li







Yang Li have a special affection for gardenia for nearly 10 years. She has become the spokesman of gardenia, being the pioneer of gardenia industry in our province.

Yang Li built up Yueyang Qu Yuan management area Yingtian town. She made this place known widely as \"gardenia town\", which developed into the Miluo city, Huarong county and other places. And the total area of gardenia planting reach nearly 20 million mu after building sixteen gardenia base place. The gardenia flower that spreads all over the mountain, attracts the merchants all over the places.

\"Based on the calculation for more than 3000 yuan of annual profit per mu, farmers planting 30 mu will receive about 10 million yuan. At present, the cooperative has led more than 2,000 farmers to get rich, 219 households to achieve poverty alleviation.\" Yang Li said, many folks realized employment at the doorstep and drummed up the pocket, built a new house and bought a small car.

\"Planting gardenia can benefit 50 years.\" Just after the spring festival, Yang Li is busy to receive the foreign folks who come to \"examine\": the guaranteed price acquisition, income per mu is not less than 3000 yuan. Yang Li hopes, this year can lead more folks to plant on the \"cash cow\".




Walking and running in the field of rural revitalization, push the development of gardenia industry with fellows, pave the way for the common prosperity of the villagers.

9. 全国人大代表、靖州苗族侗族自治县靖隆养殖专业合作社理事长朱登云:激发内生动力乡村振兴有奔头

Zhu Dengyun, deputy to the National People's Congress and chairman of Jinglong breeding cooperatives in Jingzhou Miao and Dong Autonomous County


Representative: Zhu Dengyun






In 2012, Zhu Dengyun returned to his hometown starting his own business. She rooted in Jingzhou Duiyang Township Daxueiping Village, learned farming techniques, raised funds and led his fellow villagers to set up a cooperative to develop goat farming.

Through years of development, the cooperative now has an yearly product of nearly 4,000 head of high-quality goats, and the number of cooperative members has increased from 5 households at the beginning to more than 150 households. The cooperative also uses the organic fertilizer produced by goat farming to plant purple yucca, fishy grass, etc., further widening the road to wealth. Liang Renqing, 68-year-old villager, worked in the cooperative in the first half of last year and earned 3,000 yuan a month. Just after Spring festival of this year, he proposed that more sheep could be allocated for him to manage, and also took the initiative to learn skills such as disease observation, prevention and control, and daily handling.

In 2020, affected by the epidemic, it became difficult for making products going out of mountain. Zhu Dengyun set up an online direct sales and agricultural products distribution department, integrated local special ecological agricultural products. Through pre-sale and order mode on the internet, the mountain products sold to all over the places in the country led by her with villagers.




Making rural Revitalization can not be without talent. We should further improve all kinds of incentive and give support measures, letting the right people do what they can, so that the villagers can become “talents play an important role in the job”, and move towards living a happy life.


Wang Qian, deputy to the National People's Congress, vice president of China Guangcai Cause Promotion Association and chairman of Bu bugao group, the poverty alleviation road of \"a bottle of water, a bag of rice and a table of vegetables\"


Representative: Wang tian







In April 2017, after a site visit to the Shibadong Village in Huayuan County, Wang tian invested 30 million yuan to build the \"Shibadong Village\" mountain water plant to help the long-term development of Shibadong Village. After the water plant was put into operation, he paid 15% of the revenue to Shibadong Village collectively as resource royalty, and also provided more than 30 jobs.

In early 2018, the mountain spring water of Shibadong Village was officially sold to the public on a large scale. From 2018 to 2020, the water plant has provided nearly 2 million yuan of dividends to the village collective, and the village committee has used the money to buy social security for villagers, perform public services, help poor families, and reward outstanding students who went to university, which is well received by the public.

In the village of Yanluo in Huayuan County, BBK explored the historical and cultural background of local tribute rice and established the tribute rice agriculture Yanluo Rice Factory as its brand. In 2020, the annual sales of Yanluo Rice Factory were nearly 2 million yuan, and villagers in Yanluo Village enjoyed 500,000 yuan in dividends.

Bu Bugao has also signed agricultural products purchasing agreements with Channel, Suining and Yongshun, using its stores and logistics network to bring special agricultural products from the deep mountains to the tables of thousands of families.




Bu Bugao actively devote himself into the main battlefield of poverty alleviation and stepped out of the industrial poverty alleviation road of \"a bottle of water, a bag of rice and a table of vegetables\", which led to a way to a better life.


Li Yuncai, member of the National Committee of the Chinese people's Political Consultative Conference, vice chairman of the Hunan Provincial Committee of the Jiusan Society, and inspector of the Provincial Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperation


Member: Li Yuncai

通讯员 摄








In the targeted poverty alleviation, Hunan Provincial General Cooperative Society for Supply and Marketing take advantage of its provincial tea group, to create an important channel for farmers for increasing their income.

Hunan tea industry base is mainly distributed in the Wuling Mountains, Luoxiao Mountains and other areas. Li Yuncai not only conduct research, grasp the industry, teaching technology physically, but also speak for Hunan tea, give voice for tea farmers.

Last year in early spring, he was in the Luoxiao Mountains tea poverty alleviation base, and found that a disease actually occurred in early spring. He decisively asked experts from all aspects on the video for \"consultation\", avoiding a big loss immediately.

Affected by the epidemic, many places in Hunan met tea sales difficulties. Li Yuncai timely launch \"online tea\" activities, through the combination of online film and television and offline exhibition, the use of the provincial General Chamber of Supply and Marketing storage system, to promote the sale of products and farmers increase income.

Since the launch of the tea industry for help, the provincial supply and marketing system has helped 200,000 households in the province, more than 500,000 poor people out of poverty, per capita income from tea in more than 4,000 yuan. In Xiangxi Autonomous Prefecture, the tea industry accounted for 73% of the proportion of industrial poverty alleviation, becoming a veritable \"golden tea\" \"poverty alleviation tea\".




The tea industry has made great contribution to the targeted poverty alleviation for transforming ecological advantages into economic advantages,. Small tea, played a huge energy.


Wang Guohai, member of the National Committee of the Chinese people's Political Consultative Conference, vice chairman of the Hunan Provincial Committee of the Zhi Gong Party and deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Changsha Municipal People's Congress


Member: Wang Guohai

通讯员 摄








More than 5 years ago, Wang Guohai came to the provincial poverty-stricken village of Ningxiang City, Coral Village joint poverty alleviation with his team. With the heart and passion paving the road to wealth in Coral Village, and identified this place as a targeted poverty alleviation base for the Changsha City Committee of the Zhi Gong Party.

With the efforts of all parties, all kinds of funds which is nearly 30 yuan million was gotten for coral village. A number of facilities such as villagers' activities center, was built. And the village have a completely different appearance from before; the fruit, roses, asparagus and other bases, as well as leisure agriculture, but also photovoltaic power generation, electronic poverty alleviation workshop and other industries develop rapidly, the collective economy gradually grow strongly.

Yu Guangming, who is disabled due to illness, is the target of Wang Guohai's giving support. Wang Guohai contacted a caring enterprise to support Yu Guangming's dangerous house reconstruction funds of 100,000 yuan to help his family move into a new house. With Wang Guohai's encouragement, Yu Guangming's daughter was admitted to Jishou University and found a satisfied job after graduation.

Today's coral village, not only successfully be out of poverty, but also become a provincial \"concentric beautiful countryside”.

In Wang Guohai's office bookcase, he has collected thousands of letters sent by 100 children from poor families he has supported for more than 10 year. He said, \"This is my most treasured gift.\"




How to accuulate the achievements of poverty alleviation and how to have an effectively link with rural revitalization are issues that need us to consider and explore. I will continue to work hard.

本版照片除署名外均为湖南日报·新湖南客户端记者 赵持 摄







































紫玉成烟 zǐ yù chéng yān









清·王韬《淞隐漫录·清溪镜娘小传》: “旧事思量益惘然,枉教紫玉竟成烟。荒原有容寻苔碣,冷节无人挂纸钱。”














紫玉成烟 ↣ 烟视媚行 ↣ 行不及言 ↣ 言论风生 ↣ 生灵涂地 ↣ 地地道道 ↣ 道骨仙风 ↣ 风流才子 ↣ 子曰诗云 ↣ 云游天下 ↣ 下里巴人 ↣ 人面狗心 ↣ 心知其意 ↣ 意气用事 ↣ 事以密成 ↣ 成仁取义 ↣ 义薄云天 ↣ 天行时气 ↣ 气吞河山 ↣ 山鸡映水 ↣ 水天一色 ↣ 色艺两绝 ↣ 绝薪止火 ↣ 火山汤海 ↣ 海底捞月 ↣ 月盈则食 ↣ 食不餬口 ↣ 口口声声 ↣ 声色狗马 ↣ 马面牛头 ↣ 头面人物 ↣ 物是人非 ↣ 非昔是今 ↣ 今生今世 ↣ 世态人情 ↣ 情同手足 ↣ 足不出门 ↣ 门户之见 ↣ 见风是雨 ↣ 雨散风流 ↣ 流言飞语 ↣ 语短情长 ↣ 长天老日 ↣ 日行千里 ↣ 里通外国 ↣ 国脉民命 ↣ 命世之才 ↣ 才气超然 ↣ 然荻读书 ↣ 书香人家 ↣ 家累千金 ↣ 金刚努目 ↣ 目眩心花 ↣ 花光柳影 ↣ 影形不离 ↣ 离世异俗 ↣ 俗下文字 ↣ 字字珠玉 ↣ 玉走金飞 ↣ 飞声腾实 ↣ 实与有力↣















1.三缄其口, 2.一清二白, 3.日行千里,
