兔年即将到来,想好给各位“兔宝宝”们起什么名字了吗?近日,广东佛山市公安局公布了该地区2022年新生儿的热门姓名,男孩“宇轩”和女孩“心玥”拔得头筹。In 2022, the most popular first name for baby boys was Yuxuan (宇轩), while Xinyue (心玥) was favored by most parents as a baby girl's name, according to data released by the Foshan Municipal Public Security Bureau in Guangdong.▌“宇轩”超越“梓豪”2022年,“宇轩”超越“梓豪”成为爆款名。此前,霸榜热门单字“梓”曾连续5年占据榜首。Yuxuan surpassed Zihao topping the list for baby boys, breaking the record of the character Zi that topped the list for five consecutive years from 2017 to 2021.
2022年在佛山办理出生登记的人口中男孩取名为“宇轩”的最多,大约每1000个男孩有1个叫“宇轩”。There are around two in every 1,000 boys named Yuxuan in the newborn population registered in Foshan in 2022.
排名第2至10的男孩名字为梓睿、梓豪、梓轩、俊宇、梓恒、星宇、铭轩、奕霖、子轩。Other popular names for males include Zirui(梓睿), Zihao(梓豪) and Zixuan(梓轩).男孩取名单字的前5名为睿、翊、朗、毅、宇。▌叫“心玥”的女孩最多2022年女孩取名为“心玥”的最多,大约每1000个女孩里,有近3个叫“心玥”。Xinyue topped the list for the most popular female baby name in 2022. There are around three in every 1,000 girls named Xinyue in the newborn population registered in Foshan in 2022.
排名第2至10的女孩名字为梓晴、玥瑶、昕玥、芷晴、语桐、诗玥、思玥、梓玥、乐瑶。Ziqing(梓晴), Yueyao(玥瑶), Xinyue(昕玥), Zhiqing(芷晴) and Yutong(语桐) round up the top 5. 女孩取名单字的前5名为玥、悦、琳、可、瑶。▌人数最多的姓氏揭晓2022年佛山户籍人口中人数最多的姓氏为“陈”,大约100个人之中有7个人姓“陈”,是名副其实的姓氏大户。排名第2至10的姓氏为梁、李、黄、何、刘、张、吴、罗、周,与2021年相比没有变化。此外,父母姓氏组合式起名仍然是潮流。2022年,在佛山办理出生登记的人口中,小孩姓名前两个字是父母姓氏的共有199人。There are 199 kids whose first names are a combination of both their father's and mother's surnames in 2022.▌人数最多的姓名,还是“俊杰”2022年佛山户籍人口中,“俊杰”保持去年的纪录,依旧是人数最多的名字,大约1000个人之中,就有1个人的名字叫俊杰。Junjie(俊杰) was still the most common name among all the registered residents in Foshan in 2022, with around one in 1,000 people named as such.
排名第2至10的名字为志强、嘉欣、丽华、丽娟、敏仪、敏、伟强、晓彤、丽萍。与2021年相比,丽萍进入前10位,丽珍被挤出前10位。编辑:史雪凡来源:光明网 广东佛山市公安局China Daily精读计划来了!每天20分钟,带你学英语,看世界!