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印占学习分享 - 如何开始学习印度占星?

选自Quora - How can I get started with Vedic astrology? What are the very basic books to get started and professional ones to learn Nadi at last?


啃BPHS之余,一起夯实占星基础啊~希望能遇到也在学习研究的你,分享你们的感悟和案例给我哈,那将是无上的荣耀o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ有什么想看的主题也可以私信我,感谢求知若渴的泥萌~


It is the first time I have seen someone ask such a genuine and structured question of how to get started and reach the professional level of astrology. I really hope you complete your journey and wish you luck.


Start with the books of mathematics written in easy ways. It is absolutely a crime to venture into predictive astrology without no practical knowledge of the basic calculations. Often, when we begin with the lack of basic understanding, we end up making stupid extrapolations and assumptions to suit our ignorance. That is the first pit in which any learner of astrology falls. Either people make up their own explanations which are utterly wrong, or they get so confused that they give up completely.


Before even going into astrology, learn the planets in their mythological roles. That is extremely important and will make it pretty easy to memorize the functions and roles of the planets. The first book I would suggest is Navgraha Purana by V S Rao. It is not actually a Purana but a story book. It compiles the stories about the planets from different mythological texts into one single book written as a story. It is interesting to read, simple and much like any novel.

在学习占星术之前,先了解行星在神话中的角色。这是非常重要的,它会让你很容易记住行星的功能和角色。我推荐的第一本书是V S Rao的Navgraha Purana。它实际上不是一本《创世记》,而是一本故事书。它将不同神话文本中关于行星的故事汇编成一本书,以故事的形式写成。它读起来很有趣,简单,就像任何小说一样。


So, first advice is to begin with a book on Siddhanta. The mathematical aspects of astrology. There are two which I absolutely love. First is B V Raman’s A Manual of Hindu Astrology (1935), and the second is B. Suryanarain Rao’s The Astrological Self Instructor (1893).

所以,第一个建议是从一本关于Siddhanta的书开始。占星术的数学方面。其中有两个我非常喜欢。第一本是B V Raman的《A Manual of Hindu Astrology》(1935),第二本是B. Suryanarain Rao的《The Astrological Self Instructor》(1893)。

Thereafter, move on to Sripati Paddhati to understand houses, calculation of houses, and all the mathematical aspects of a horoscope. The first two books I mentioned talk about the planets, their speed, ayanamsha, division of time in astrology etc. This book describes how houses are different from signs and how we can caculate them. What is a cusp and other technical points used in the actual analysis of the horoscope.

之后,继续学习Sripati Paddhati,了解宫位、宫位的计算和星座的所有数学方面。我提到的前两本书是关于行星,它们的速度,ayanamsha,占星术中的时间划分等。这本书描述了宫位与星座的区别以及我们如何计算它们。什么是占星术实际分析中用到的宫头和其他技术点。

Next, there are seven great books to begin astrology with. The actual predictive one. These have been translated numerous times and are commonly available. These are:


Brihat Jataka of VarahmihiraBrihat Parashara Hora Shastra of ParasharaHora Sara of PrithyuyasasJataka Parijata of VaidyanathPhaladeepika of MantreswaraUttara Kalamrita of KalidasaSaravali of Kalyana Varma

These are basically the same things written by different authors. Much like reference books for the same subject. If you read one in depth, you’ll be able to skim through the others in hours. Just focus on the differences and additional details given in them.



Once you have done this, you should move on to the broader horizon of astrology. About the mundane aspects and overall analysis of years, days, events, muhurat etc. The books are:


Muhurat by B V Raman (for starter)Narada Samhita of Mahamuni NaradaBrihat Samhita of VarahmihirPurva Kalamrita of Kalidasa

These again are mostly same but skimming through all makes it easy to learn and memorize. Brihat Samhita is the primary text book for in-depth understanding. Muhurat by B V Raman is your go to book for all clarifications and for basic understanding.

这些基本都是一样的,但是浏览它们会让你更容易学习和记忆。Brihat Samhita是深入理解的主要教科书。B V Raman的Muhurat是你的书的所有澄清和基本理解。

Now, for the practical aspect of predictions and to understand how exactly to give out predictions, use B V Raman’s books. He has beautifully shown how things work in reality. If you do not have a guru or a teacher, consider him to be your teacher and follow everything he has written. There is no other author you can blindly trust but B V Raman. The books that help in the practical aspects are:

现在,关于预测的实际方面以及如何准确地给出预测,请参考B V Raman的书。他完美地展示了事物在现实中的运作方式。如果你没有导师或老师,就把他当作你的老师,遵循他所写的一切。除了B V Raman,没有其他作家可以盲目信任。在实践方面有帮助的书有:

How to Judge a horoscope (Vol 1 & 2)Notable Horoscopes300 Important CombinationsThe Art of Prediction (This one is by J N Bhasin not Raman)There is also a book by R Santhanam on how to judge horoscopes, but I cant remember the name.

If you complete these honestly, take my word you’ll be better than 70% of Indian astrologers even on your worst day.


Now, as for the advanced astrology, the following books are recommended. But fair warning, these will be pointless and senseless if you haven’t covered the above ones. Even if you read and remember the below books, they won’t give results. The books are written as sutras or codes. What exactly do they say can only be deciphered after perfecting the above books. Only Prashna Shastra is something that will make sense even if you haven’t honestly covered all aspects of astrology above.

现在,关于高级占星术,推荐以下书籍。但我要警告你的是,如果你没有学习以上的知识,这些都是毫无意义的。即使你阅读并记住了下面的书,它们也不会给你结果。这些书被写成佛经或法典。他们到底说了什么,只有在完善了上述书籍之后才能破译。只有Prashna Shastra是有意义的,即使你没有诚实地涵盖占星术的所有方面。

Prashna Shastra (Art of Predictions by making any random horoscope):

Prashna Shastra(随机占卜的艺术):

Prashna TantraPrashna MargaBhuvan Deepika

Advanced Astrology:


Jaimini SutramTajik NeelkanthiLal Kitab (original in 3 volumes)

Swara Shastra (Predictions through analysis of Breath and sound):

Swara Shastra(通过分析呼吸和声音进行预测):

Swara ChintamaniNarpati Jaicharyaswarodaya

It is said that an astrologer learned in Swara Shastra is the most valuable gem in any king’s court. That a king cannot win a critical war despite advantage in strategy, numbers, technology or anything if an astrologer learned in Swara Shastra is with the opponent’s side. It is one of the highest forms of divination and extremely difficult to get the hang of. Which is why you may not even find authentic translations or any commentaries as well.

据说占星家在Swara Shastra学到的是任何国王宫廷中最珍贵的宝石。如果占星家在Swara Shastra学会了站在对手一边,国王即使在战略、人数、技术等方面拥有优势,也无法赢得关键的战争。它是占卜的最高形式之一,很难掌握窍门。这就是为什么你甚至可能找不到真实的翻译或任何评论。

Nadi Astrology:

Texts of Nadi astrology are far too many to enumerate. But all of them end with the word Nadi. No matter which Nadi book you pick up, if you can understand it and practice it, you will become ten times as better as you were before starting.


This is the absolute perfection of astrology but just as difficult to understand. Word by word, the entire book needs to be broken down and understood through experience. But these are the only texts in which each and every word will make sense and come true every time it is tested.


Other than these, there are thousands and thousands of texts, rare and valuable ones that cannot be described in one answer. However, I’ll give a few honorable mentioned in the end. Ideally, an astrologer should go through all or most of them. But it is difficult to even get your hands on them. It may take a man’s entire life to just get hold of one of these in its unadulterated, and original form.


Ravan Samhita:

Almost impossible to get, this is one of the greatest works ever written on astrology. A few of the concepts that I know from Ravan Samhita are such magnificent tools that it will almost be a heart attack if I get a chance to go through the actual book.

几乎不可能得到,这是有史以来最伟大的占星术著作之一。我从Ravan Samhita中学到的一些概念是如此伟大的工具,如果我有机会通读这本书,我几乎会犯心脏病。

Dhundiraj’s work on astrology:

Maharaja Dhundiraj is said to be an avatar of Lord Ganesh who visited Kashi as an astrology to teach King Ripunjaya the value of devotion. The work of Dhundiraj on astrology is such an amazing one that I cannot begin to describe it. It gives about great insights in astrology and gives such a process that can open doors to numerous possibilities. But again, the work is not conceptual. It would need a lot of knowledge to decipher the theory behind what the book says.

Maharaja Dhundiraj据说是Ganesh神的化身,他作为占星师来到喀什教Ripunjaya国王奉献的价值。Dhundiraj在占星术方面的工作是如此惊人,我无法开始描述它。它提供了占星术的伟大见解,并提供了一个可以打开无数可能性之门的过程。但是,这个作品不是概念性的。要破译这本书背后的理论需要大量的知识。

Abdul Rahim Khan-I-khana’s Masterpiece:

The maestro poet Rahim was also an astrologer! He has a book on astrology with just a hundred verses or so. I would describe it with just one doha of the book, I am not sure if I remember it word for word, but this is what is says.


Kya jyotish dekhega kya jyotish kahega;

paida hua balak baadshashi karega!

(No matter what on earth the astrologer has to say, the child born with such a combination will be a King throughout his life)


Rahu Centric Theory by Sri Tatvam Asi:

This may be read earlier or later, you will be able to appreciate it earlier while learning astrology too. But if you go through it towards the end of your journey in learning astrology, a major secret would be revealed. A huge mystery would be resolved.


There is no end to learning, and we should keep reading no matter how much we know. But still, a structure always helps a learner.


Hope it helps




印占学习分享 - 如何开始学习印度占星?

选自Quora - How can I get started with Vedic astrology? What are the very basic books to get started and professional ones to learn Nadi at last?


啃BPHS之余,一起夯实占星基础啊~希望能遇到也在学习研究的你,分享你们的感悟和案例给我哈,那将是无上的荣耀o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ有什么想看的主题也可以私信我,感谢求知若渴的泥萌~


It is the first time I have seen someone ask such a genuine and structured question of how to get started and reach the professional level of astrology. I really hope you complete your journey and wish you luck.


Start with the books of mathematics written in easy ways. It is absolutely a crime to venture into predictive astrology without no practical knowledge of the basic calculations. Often, when we begin with the lack of basic understanding, we end up making stupid extrapolations and assumptions to suit our ignorance. That is the first pit in which any learner of astrology falls. Either people make up their own explanations which are utterly wrong, or they get so confused that they give up completely.


Before even going into astrology, learn the planets in their mythological roles. That is extremely important and will make it pretty easy to memorize the functions and roles of the planets. The first book I would suggest is Navgraha Purana by V S Rao. It is not actually a Purana but a story book. It compiles the stories about the planets from different mythological texts into one single book written as a story. It is interesting to read, simple and much like any novel.

在学习占星术之前,先了解行星在神话中的角色。这是非常重要的,它会让你很容易记住行星的功能和角色。我推荐的第一本书是V S Rao的Navgraha Purana。它实际上不是一本《创世记》,而是一本故事书。它将不同神话文本中关于行星的故事汇编成一本书,以故事的形式写成。它读起来很有趣,简单,就像任何小说一样。


So, first advice is to begin with a book on Siddhanta. The mathematical aspects of astrology. There are two which I absolutely love. First is B V Raman’s A Manual of Hindu Astrology (1935), and the second is B. Suryanarain Rao’s The Astrological Self Instructor (1893).

所以,第一个建议是从一本关于Siddhanta的书开始。占星术的数学方面。其中有两个我非常喜欢。第一本是B V Raman的《A Manual of Hindu Astrology》(1935),第二本是B. Suryanarain Rao的《The Astrological Self Instructor》(1893)。

Thereafter, move on to Sripati Paddhati to understand houses, calculation of houses, and all the mathematical aspects of a horoscope. The first two books I mentioned talk about the planets, their speed, ayanamsha, division of time in astrology etc. This book describes how houses are different from signs and how we can caculate them. What is a cusp and other technical points used in the actual analysis of the horoscope.

之后,继续学习Sripati Paddhati,了解宫位、宫位的计算和星座的所有数学方面。我提到的前两本书是关于行星,它们的速度,ayanamsha,占星术中的时间划分等。这本书描述了宫位与星座的区别以及我们如何计算它们。什么是占星术实际分析中用到的宫头和其他技术点。

Next, there are seven great books to begin astrology with. The actual predictive one. These have been translated numerous times and are commonly available. These are:


Brihat Jataka of VarahmihiraBrihat Parashara Hora Shastra of ParasharaHora Sara of PrithyuyasasJataka Parijata of VaidyanathPhaladeepika of MantreswaraUttara Kalamrita of KalidasaSaravali of Kalyana Varma

These are basically the same things written by different authors. Much like reference books for the same subject. If you read one in depth, you’ll be able to skim through the others in hours. Just focus on the differences and additional details given in them.



Once you have done this, you should move on to the broader horizon of astrology. About the mundane aspects and overall analysis of years, days, events, muhurat etc. The books are:


Muhurat by B V Raman (for starter)Narada Samhita of Mahamuni NaradaBrihat Samhita of VarahmihirPurva Kalamrita of Kalidasa

These again are mostly same but skimming through all makes it easy to learn and memorize. Brihat Samhita is the primary text book for in-depth understanding. Muhurat by B V Raman is your go to book for all clarifications and for basic understanding.

这些基本都是一样的,但是浏览它们会让你更容易学习和记忆。Brihat Samhita是深入理解的主要教科书。B V Raman的Muhurat是你的书的所有澄清和基本理解。

Now, for the practical aspect of predictions and to understand how exactly to give out predictions, use B V Raman’s books. He has beautifully shown how things work in reality. If you do not have a guru or a teacher, consider him to be your teacher and follow everything he has written. There is no other author you can blindly trust but B V Raman. The books that help in the practical aspects are:

现在,关于预测的实际方面以及如何准确地给出预测,请参考B V Raman的书。他完美地展示了事物在现实中的运作方式。如果你没有导师或老师,就把他当作你的老师,遵循他所写的一切。除了B V Raman,没有其他作家可以盲目信任。在实践方面有帮助的书有:

How to Judge a horoscope (Vol 1 & 2)Notable Horoscopes300 Important CombinationsThe Art of Prediction (This one is by J N Bhasin not Raman)There is also a book by R Santhanam on how to judge horoscopes, but I cant remember the name.

If you complete these honestly, take my word you’ll be better than 70% of Indian astrologers even on your worst day.


Now, as for the advanced astrology, the following books are recommended. But fair warning, these will be pointless and senseless if you haven’t covered the above ones. Even if you read and remember the below books, they won’t give results. The books are written as sutras or codes. What exactly do they say can only be deciphered after perfecting the above books. Only Prashna Shastra is something that will make sense even if you haven’t honestly covered all aspects of astrology above.

现在,关于高级占星术,推荐以下书籍。但我要警告你的是,如果你没有学习以上的知识,这些都是毫无意义的。即使你阅读并记住了下面的书,它们也不会给你结果。这些书被写成佛经或法典。他们到底说了什么,只有在完善了上述书籍之后才能破译。只有Prashna Shastra是有意义的,即使你没有诚实地涵盖占星术的所有方面。

Prashna Shastra (Art of Predictions by making any random horoscope):

Prashna Shastra(随机占卜的艺术):

Prashna TantraPrashna MargaBhuvan Deepika

Advanced Astrology:


Jaimini SutramTajik NeelkanthiLal Kitab (original in 3 volumes)

Swara Shastra (Predictions through analysis of Breath and sound):

Swara Shastra(通过分析呼吸和声音进行预测):

Swara ChintamaniNarpati Jaicharyaswarodaya

It is said that an astrologer learned in Swara Shastra is the most valuable gem in any king’s court. That a king cannot win a critical war despite advantage in strategy, numbers, technology or anything if an astrologer learned in Swara Shastra is with the opponent’s side. It is one of the highest forms of divination and extremely difficult to get the hang of. Which is why you may not even find authentic translations or any commentaries as well.

据说占星家在Swara Shastra学到的是任何国王宫廷中最珍贵的宝石。如果占星家在Swara Shastra学会了站在对手一边,国王即使在战略、人数、技术等方面拥有优势,也无法赢得关键的战争。它是占卜的最高形式之一,很难掌握窍门。这就是为什么你甚至可能找不到真实的翻译或任何评论。

Nadi Astrology:

Texts of Nadi astrology are far too many to enumerate. But all of them end with the word Nadi. No matter which Nadi book you pick up, if you can understand it and practice it, you will become ten times as better as you were before starting.


This is the absolute perfection of astrology but just as difficult to understand. Word by word, the entire book needs to be broken down and understood through experience. But these are the only texts in which each and every word will make sense and come true every time it is tested.


Other than these, there are thousands and thousands of texts, rare and valuable ones that cannot be described in one answer. However, I’ll give a few honorable mentioned in the end. Ideally, an astrologer should go through all or most of them. But it is difficult to even get your hands on them. It may take a man’s entire life to just get hold of one of these in its unadulterated, and original form.


Ravan Samhita:

Almost impossible to get, this is one of the greatest works ever written on astrology. A few of the concepts that I know from Ravan Samhita are such magnificent tools that it will almost be a heart attack if I get a chance to go through the actual book.

几乎不可能得到,这是有史以来最伟大的占星术著作之一。我从Ravan Samhita中学到的一些概念是如此伟大的工具,如果我有机会通读这本书,我几乎会犯心脏病。

Dhundiraj’s work on astrology:

Maharaja Dhundiraj is said to be an avatar of Lord Ganesh who visited Kashi as an astrology to teach King Ripunjaya the value of devotion. The work of Dhundiraj on astrology is such an amazing one that I cannot begin to describe it. It gives about great insights in astrology and gives such a process that can open doors to numerous possibilities. But again, the work is not conceptual. It would need a lot of knowledge to decipher the theory behind what the book says.

Maharaja Dhundiraj据说是Ganesh神的化身,他作为占星师来到喀什教Ripunjaya国王奉献的价值。Dhundiraj在占星术方面的工作是如此惊人,我无法开始描述它。它提供了占星术的伟大见解,并提供了一个可以打开无数可能性之门的过程。但是,这个作品不是概念性的。要破译这本书背后的理论需要大量的知识。

Abdul Rahim Khan-I-khana’s Masterpiece:

The maestro poet Rahim was also an astrologer! He has a book on astrology with just a hundred verses or so. I would describe it with just one doha of the book, I am not sure if I remember it word for word, but this is what is says.


Kya jyotish dekhega kya jyotish kahega;

paida hua balak baadshashi karega!

(No matter what on earth the astrologer has to say, the child born with such a combination will be a King throughout his life)


Rahu Centric Theory by Sri Tatvam Asi:

This may be read earlier or later, you will be able to appreciate it earlier while learning astrology too. But if you go through it towards the end of your journey in learning astrology, a major secret would be revealed. A huge mystery would be resolved.


There is no end to learning, and we should keep reading no matter how much we know. But still, a structure always helps a learner.


Hope it helps




印占资料分享 - Vimshottari Dasha,超好用的预测术!

选自Essentials of Vedic Astrology(有道机翻,如有不顺请自行理解,感谢高科技带给我们的便利~)


Maha Dasha - 大运/主限

Antar Dasha (Bhukti)- 小运/次限

Vimshottari Dashas - The System of Prediction

Vimshottari Dashas - 预测系统

The vimshottari dasha is the planetary system of predicting events in our life, and it is unique to Vedic astrology. Vimshottari means ‘120’ - the optimum life-span in the era in which the Vedas were written; dasha means ‘direction’. Originating in the era when the Vedas were written, the system assumes an average life-span of 120 years! Those 120 years are divided into various phases, controlled by the nine planets: the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. Moving out of one phase into another involves a change of life direction. Whilst the birth chart suggests the passive influences you have brought with you, and the past life karmic issues that form part of your character, it is the dasha system that indicates when these issues will become prominent. On analysis of your chart, you will be aware that certain areas of life will run smoothly, whilst others will prove troublesome; understanding your dasha pattern will help you to anticipate them and act accordingly. The usual questions of marriage, children, career, and house moves can all be given timings in this way.

Vimshottari dasha是预测我们生活中的事件的行星系统,它是吠陀占星术所独有的。Vimshottari的意思是“120”,是《吠陀经》成书时代的最佳寿命;Dasha的意思是“方向”。这个系统起源于吠陀经成书的时代,平均寿命为120年!这120年被分为不同的阶段,由九大行星控制:太阳、月亮、火星、水星、木星、金星、土星、北交点和南交点。从一个阶段进入另一个阶段意味着生活方向的改变。虽然出生星盘暗示了你所带来的被动的影响,以及构成你性格一部分的前世业力问题,但dasha系统表明这些问题何时会变得突出。分析你的星盘,你会意识到生活的某些方面将会顺利进行,而其他方面将会证明是麻烦的;了解你的dasha模式将帮助你预测它们并采取相应的行动。婚姻、孩子、事业和搬家这些常见的问题都可以这样被给出时间安排。

The Dasha Patterns


The dasha pattern shows which planets will be ruling at particular times in your life; they fulfil three roles in the dasha periods:


• They will act according to their own energies

• 他们会根据自己的能量行事

• Their role as rulers of the houses: the Sun and Moon rule one sign each, therefore they will rule one house each. Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn rule two signs - therefore two houses each

• 他们作为宫主星的角色:太阳和月亮各自掌管一个星座,因此他们将各自掌管一个宫位。火星、水星、木星、金星和土星分别掌管两个星座——因此各掌管两个宫位

• Their role as karakas or significators (Sun - father; Jupiter - teacher etc.)

• 他们作为karakas或指标星的角色(太阳-父亲;木星-老师等)

Sometimes the planetary placements in your chart are echoed by the dasha pattern, so you could be working on one issue for many years: for example a 19 year dasha of Saturn placed in the seventh house followed by a 17 year dasha of Mercury which rules the seventh house. It could also be that you have strong yogas, but the main dashas don’t reflect the planets which form them. Maybe you have a strong chart but only experience the effects during sub- and sub-sub dashas. The dasha phases occur in the following order, and last for specific periods:


The Sun 6 years


The Moon 10 years


Mars 7 years


Rahu 18 years


Jupiter 16 years


Saturn 19 years


Mercury 17 years


Ketu 7 years


Venus 20 years


All of the information you are about to compile is available on computer software or by ordering it from the sources at the end of this book, but for those of you who would like to work it out for yourselves here it is:


The first dasha in the cycle is decided by the position of your natal Moon, and to work out your dasha pattern you need to find out the dasha period you were born into. We’ll follow through an example, using the Moon at 8° 5' Leo. Looking at the Vimshottari Dasha by Longitude of the Moon Table, we see that the column on the far left lists the longitude of the Moon for Aries, Leo and Sagittarius and starts with the Ketu dasha: the closest degree to our example is 8° - showing as 2 years 9 months and 18 days remaining of the Ketu dasha. However, we still have 5' to account for, so looking at the smaller grid (Proportional Parts) we see that 5' in the Ketu column is equal to 16 days. This amount must be deducted from the time remaining: this leaves 2 years, 9 months and 2 days of Ketu dasha left at the time of birth. (Note that if the closest value to your Moon degree on the Vimshottari chart was larger - rather than smaller as in our example - you would add the amount shown in the proportional amounts table.)

周期中的第一个dasha是由你的出生月亮的位置决定的,要计算出你的dasha模式,你需要找出你出生的dasha时期。我们将以月亮在狮子座8度5分为例。通过月亮经度表查看Vimshottari dasha(见下图一),我们看到最左边的一栏列出了月亮在白羊座、狮子座和射手座的经度,并以Ketu dasha开始:与我们的例子最接近的度数是8度——显示了Ketu dasha剩余的2年9个月和18天。然而,我们仍然有5'需要解释,所以查看较小的网格(比例部分见下图二),我们看到Ketu列中的5'等于16天。这一数额必须从剩余的时间中扣除:在出生时还剩下2年9个月零2天的Ketu dasha。(请注意,如果在Vimshottari图中与你的月亮度数最接近的值更大——而不是像我们的例子中那样更小——你将添加比例数量表中显示的数量。)

Now you can work out your entire cycle and the dates that the new dasha periods will begin, as they always follow the same pattern. As the list on the previous page shows, the Ketu dasha is followed by Venus, so the person in our example will move into their Venus dasha at 2 years, 9 months and 2 days of age; a period that will last for twenty years and be followed by a six year Sun dasha. Use this table to work out your own pattern, starting with your birth dasha against the first row and continuing down through the dasha cycle until you have dates or ages for every period.


The first, third, fifth and seventh dashas are supposedly the more difficult times.Indian astrologers would also use this pattern to look at longevity. Childhood death is reflected by the first dasha; the length of a short life-span is indicated in the third dasha; a medium one in the fifth and a long one in the seventh. However, this is only a broad outline and many other factors are taken into consideration.


Vimshottari Dasha by Longitude of the Moon(图一)

Proportional Parts(图二)

Antar dasha table(图三)

The First Dasha


The first dasha of your life indicates what you will experience later on and it is the most important dasha to study. It shows the connection between this incarnation and your previous lives. You will need to study the house position of the first dasha ruler; a planet ruling the dusthana houses (6, 8 or 12) shows that you may face difficulties on the more mundane level which will focus your energies in a different spiritual direction. Next check the navamsha position of your dasha ruler; this will indicate the inner quality of the dasha and which issues are likely to dominate. What is the strength of the planet in the navamsha chart?


Finally and most importantly: look at the nakshatra for the position of the dasha ruler. Studying the deeper subtleties of the nakshatra will help you to understand your soul’s purpose in this incarnation. Here again you need to see the relationship between your first dasha ruler and its nakshatra dispositor.


Antar Dashas or Bhuktis


We’ve now considered the maha dashas, the major dasha phases in some detail. To further clarify the picture in terms of when events are likely to occur we also need to study the antar dasha or bhuktis: each maha dasha has nine subdivisions called antar dasha. There are further divisions from this point but we won’t be covering them in this book.

我们现在已经详细地考虑了maha dashas,主要的dasha阶段。为了进一步阐明事件可能发生的时间,我们还需要研究antar dasha或bhuktis:每个maha dasha有九个细分称为antar dasha。在这一点上还有进一步的划分,但我们不会在本书中涉及它们。

The first antardasha is ruled by the planet whose maha dasha it is: in a Jupiter maha dasha, the first antar dasha will be ruled by Jupiter, the next by Saturn, the third by Mercury and so on as in the list we’ve already seen. Using the previous example we’ll work out the sub-dasha at the time of birth - this person was born with 2 years 9 months and 2 days remaining of a Ketu dasha. Looking at the antar dasha table in the Ketu section, we see that the Ketu cycle is seven years, so deduct one from the other, leaving 4 years, 2 months and 28 days. This value is greater than the end of the Rahu period shown in the table (3 - 11 - 18) but less than the end of the Jupiter (4 - 10 - 24) so the sub-dasha will be Jupiter; the next period will be Ketu-Saturn then Ketu-Mercury to the end of the dasha, which then changes to Venus maha dasha.During the whole period of a Ketu maha dasha, Ketu itself will be the major influence, but the planets involved in the different antar- dasha sub-phases will add their influence as well, helpful or not.

第一个antardasha由其maha dasha所在的行星统治:在木星maha dasha中,第一个antardasha将由木星统治,第二个由土星统治,第三个由水星统治等等,就像我们已经看到的列表一样。使用前面的例子,我们将计算出来的出生时的次dasha-这个人出生时还有2年9个月零2天的南交点dasha。看看南交点部分的antardasha表,我们看到南交点周期是7年,所以从另一个中减去一个,剩下4年2个月28天。这个值大于表中显示的北交点时期的结束(3 - 11 - 18),但小于木星的结束(4 - 10 - 24),所以次dasha将是木星;下一个时期将是南交点-土星,然后南交点-水星,直到dasha的结束,然后变成金星maha dasha。在南交点maha dasha的整个时期,南交点本身将是主要的影响,但涉及不同antardasha子阶段的行星也将增加他们的影响,无论是否有益。

It’s important to analyse the relationship between the rulers of the dasha and antardasha at the time of birth: are they friends, enemies or neutral with each other ? If the two were enemies it would show an inner conflict that would affect you throughout your life. On the other hand, friends would give you a good start and to some extent smooth the way ahead.


Key points in Judging the Dashas


Unlike in the times of the Vedas, nowadays very few people live through all nine dashas! Most of us have to be content with six or perhaps seven in a lifetime. The planet that rules your current maha dasha is a major influence on your life throughout this phase. If you are working with clients, the current maha dasha is a good place to begin an assessment of their present situation.

与《吠陀经》时代不同,现在很少有人能经历所有的九个dashas!我们大多数人一生只能经历6个或7个。在这个阶段,掌管你当前maha dasha的行星对你的生活有重大影响。如果你和客户一起共事,目前的maha dasha是一个开始评估他们现状的好地方。

Keep these important points in mind when considering your current maha dasha ruler:

在考虑你当前的maha dasha统治者时,请记住以下几点:

• What is the graha’s nature and purpose? and is it benefic or malefic in your natal chart?

• 星体的本质和目的是什么?在你的出生图中,它是有益的还是有害的?

Each graha has its own purpose, and during its maha dasha that purpose will be an important motivation in your life. During your Saturn maha dasha you will experience the restrictions inherent in your karma. Saturn’s maha dasha is also known as the one where you work hard! But Venus’ purpose is to enjoy. Jupiter’s is ‘the getting of wisdom’ - things come easier during its maha dasha and you may not have to work as hard as usual to get the same results. During the Sun’s maha dasha your soul begins a new phase; issues of authority may arise. Mercuryis very changeable; its maha dasha may see you tackling life’s practicalities (it might be a good time for people in business) or learning new skills.

每一个行星都有它自己的目的,在它的maha dasha期间,这个目的将成为你生命中重要的动力。在你的土星maha dasha期间,你将经历你业力中固有的限制。土星的maha dasha也被称为你努力工作的地方!然而金星的目的是享受。木星是“智慧的获得”——在maha dasha期间,事情会变得更容易,你可能不需要像平常一样努力工作来获得同样的结果。在太阳的maha dasha期间,你的灵魂开始了一个新的阶段;可能会出现权威问题。水星变化无常;它的maha dasha可能会让你解决生活中的实际问题(对经商的人来说可能是个好时机)或学习新技能。

The current maha dasha will affect your life differently according to whether its ruler’s influence tends to the benefic or to the malefic in your natal chart. For example, in principle Saturn and Mercury are friends; but what relationship if any do they have in your natal chart? It is this specific relationship you will experience during your Saturn Mercury dasha.

当前的maha dasha将根据它的统治者的影响在你的出生图中是倾向于有益的还是有害的,以不同的方式影响你的生活。例如,原则上土星和水星是朋友;但他们在你的出生表上有什么关系呢?在你的土星水星dasha中,你将经历这种特殊的关系。

• Which houses does it rule?

• 它统治哪些宫?

The grahas will rule different natal houses according to your rising sign, so Saturn dasha and Mercury antar dasha will mean different things to different people. For example: if your lagna was in Taurus, Saturn will rule your auspicious ninth and tenth houses while Mercury will rule the second house (wealth) and the fifth (creativity). Saturn-Mercury, therefore, will bring excellent results. However, if your lagna is in Cancer, Saturn will rule your seventh and eighth houses and Mercury the third and twelfth, so Saturn-Mercury will be a period of difficulty.

根据你的上升星座,星体将统治不同的出生宫,所以土星dasha和水星antar dasha对不同的人意味着不同的事情。例如:如果你是上升金牛,土星将统治你吉祥的第九宫和第十宫,而水星将统治第二宫(财富)和第五宫(创造力)。因此,土星-水星将带来极好的结果。然而,如果你是上升巨蟹座,土星将掌管你的第七宫和第八宫,水星掌管第三宫和第十二宫,所以土星-水星将会是一段困难的时期。

Look at the house position of the ruler of your current maha dasha. In general is its house placement weak or strong and is it in its own house? Which graha rules the house and is it friend or foe? These considerations can influence whether the dasha will be straightforward or traumatic for you.

看看你现在的maha dasha的统治者的宫位。总的来说,宫位是弱的还是强的,是在自己的宫位吗?哪个行星掌管着这个宫位,是敌是友?这些因素会影响到dasha对你来说是简单的还是痛苦的。

• What is the ruler’s position in your natal chart?

• 在你的出生星图中,守护星的落宫在哪里?

During a Saturn Mercury phase, the natal sign and natal house Saturn and Mercury are placed in will become important. If both planets are exalted in your natal chart (Saturn in Libra, Mercury in Virgo) you will experience Saturn-Mercury very differently from the way you would if they were debilitated (Saturn in Aries, Mercury in Pisces). Similarly, if Saturn and Mercury are well-placed by house (Saturn in the third, sixth, tenth or eleventh houses, Mercury in the first, fifth, ninth and tenth houses) you will experience Saturn-Mercury more easily than if they are poorly placed (Mercury in the eighth house, Saturn in the fourth). If Saturn is in the fourth house in your natal chart, happiness, your home, your private self will be the primary concerns, but with Mercury in your eighth house these areas will be a difficult feature of your Saturn-Mercury dasha phase.


• Relative placements from each other and the signs they rule

• 彼此之间的相对位置以及它们所掌管的星座

Grahas placed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth houses from the signs they rule will be difficult during their maha dasha phase. Taking our Saturn-Mercury example again: if Saturn was in Leo it would be in the eighth house from its own sign of Capricorn, and so would create problems in whichever house was ruled by Capricorn in your natal chart.

在maha dash阶段,星体在他们所统治的星座的第六、第八或第十二宫将是困难的。再次以土星-水星为例:如果土星在狮子座,它将在它自己的摩羯座的第八宫,因此会在你出生图中由摩羯座统治的任何宫产生问题。

If Mercury in Libra was in the fifth house from its own sign of Gemini, it would enhance the prospects of the house ruled by Gemini in the natal chart. Virgo would be in the twelfth house from it however, so some difficult issues might arise there. Also if Saturn was in Scorpio and Mercury in Aries, Mercury would be in the sixth house from Saturn; this is a difficult position for them. But if instead Saturn was in Taurus and Mercury in Virgo, Mercury would be in the fifth house from Saturn and would produce a great antar dasha; they would be in trikona from each other.

如果水星天秤座在自己星座双子座的第五宫,它将增强双子座在出生图中统治的宫位的前景。然而处女座将在第十二宫,一些困难的问题可能会出现在那里。此外,如果土星在天蝎座,水星在白羊座,水星将在土星的第六宫;这对他们来说是一个艰难的处境。但如果土星在金牛座,水星在处女座,水星将在土星的第五宫,并将产生一个极好的antar dasha;他们在彼此的三方宫。

• What relationships does it have with other planets in your natal chart?

• 在你的出生星图中,它与其他行星有什么关系?

The ruler of your current maha dasha will interact with all the grahas in your natal chart, so if it has a difficult relationship with any particular graha, when that planet’s antar dasha comes along you are likely to experience a period of difficulty. Here’s a reminder of the ‘friends and enemies’ list.

你当前maha dasha的统治者将与你出生图中的所有星体互动,所以如果它与任何特定的星体有困难的关系,当行星的antar dasha到来时,你可能会经历一段困难时期。下面是关于“朋友和敌人”列表的提醒。

Saturn is friends and works well with Venus, Mercury and Rahu


Saturn is the enemy of and works badly with Jupiter, Sun, Moon and Mars


The Saturn-Mercury of our example in this section should be an easier phase than, say Saturn-Jupiter or Saturn-Sun.


The kind of problems that will arise when your maha dasha and antar dasha rulers are not friendly will be indicated by the natal house or houses ruled by the ruler of the antar dasha.

当你的maha dasha和antar dasha的统治者不友好时,将会出现的问题将由antar dasha的统治者所统治的宫所指示。

The Nakshatras of the Dasha Rulers


Understanding the nakshatras of your dasha rulers is the key to the subtle analysis of your dashas. The relationship between the dasha ruler and the nakshatra dispositor (friends, enemies or neutral) will show whether you are happy or in conflict with the energies indicated by the nakshatra; also, each one has its own energy, direction, deities and rulers, which give further clues as to how it will manifest in your life.


Some of the nakshatras are ruled by Rahu (Ardra, Swati and Shatabhishak) and Ketu (Ashwini, Magha and Mula). During the dashas of planets placed in the Ketu nakshatras the karmic aspects are further highlighted (see chapter on the Karmic Axis); there is often an accentuated feeling of striving for spiritual salvation and on a practical level, the desire to give up everything and move on. During dashas of the planets placed in the Rahu nakshatras you are likely to become ambitious, dissatisfied and feel the need to explore beyond established boundaries. This will again be on the mental plane and therefore difficult to pinpoint. Studying the nakshatras involved and the relationships between Rahu and Ketu and the planets will help you to get the most out of these particular dashas.

一些nakshatras由Rahu (Ardra, Swati和Shatabhishak)和Ketu (Ashwini, Magha和Mula)统治。行星在南交点nakshatras的dasha期间,业力方面被进一步突出(参见业力轴一章);在现实生活中,人们往往有一种强烈的追求精神救赎的感觉,以及放弃一切继续前进的愿望。行星在北交点nakshatras的dasha期间,你可能会变得雄心勃勃,不满足,并感到需要探索超越既定的界限。这又是在心理层面上的,因此很难确定。研究所涉及的星宿以及Rahu和Ketu与行星之间的关系将帮助你从这些特定的dasha中获得最大的收益。

Interpreting the dashas


The Sun Dasha太阳Dasha

The Sun dasha is connected to your self, personal ambitions, father, authority and your soul. Look at where your sun is placed and which house it rules. The house it is placed in will indicate the focus of your life; obviously there will be a different emphasis if the Sun is placed in the tenth house of career rather than in the seventh house of relationships. If the Sun is exalted (Aries), you can expect to have a wonderful dasha. But beware here, an exalted Sun sometimes rest on its laurels, ready to bask in glory and not willing to get work done. You may find that you are not making any effort on your own behalf. A debilitated Sun dasha (Libra) can be a time where you are looking for inner light. It may highlight lack of confidence and vitality. You will have to work with it. If the Sun is placed in an enemy’s house, you may find your hopes and dreams in conflict with your vocation. In a friend’s house, the Sun would be comfortable and dasha is likely to be positive. On a subtle level, we look at the nakshatra of the Sun, which gives a further indication of the effects of the Sun dasha. Always check the relationship of the Sun with the ruler of its nakshatra.


Moon Dasha月亮Dasha

All the familiar lunar issues will be highlighted for you during the Moon dasha. You should try to keep in touch with the phases of the Moon, because as it waxes and wanes, you may find yourself picking up these traits - being changeable, fickle and unable to make up your mind. Also as the Moon is a passive planet needing the Sun’s light, it will be a time when you need other people’s energy to get you motivated. The Moon is fast moving and it signifies activity, so during a Moon dasha it important for you to keep moving. The Moon’s passage through the different nakshatras will also be pertinent; now would be a good time to make use of the tarabala table in the Gochara chapter.


If the Moon in your chart is exalted, you can expect a wonderful time during its dasha. Check its strength - a full, waxing Moon which is exalted will have different impact in its dasha than a new or waning exalted Moon. A debilitatedMoon dasha can create intense emotion, in which case you need to try and stay positive. As an example, a Scorpio Moon would want to use this time to explore the deeper aspects of life and here again you would check the phase and strength of the Moon.


The Moon in an enemy’s house usually will create unsettled conditions, unless you learn to deal with them, while in a friend’s house can be very sensual and pleasure-seeking which will be reflected in its dasha.


Mars Dasha火星Dasha

Mars is the planet of action so its dasha will coincide with a lot of coming and going.Courage, impulsiveness, passion, action-orientated activities will surface. You will need to be careful you do not become over-dominating and aggressive; keep yourself occupied. The greatest problem that Mars can face is inactivity. With a Mars dasha the temptation is to take on too much; temper could also be a problem. The end of a Mars dasha is usually difficult as it is moving towards the Rahu dasha. One should always treat this period with caution and patience.


If Mars is exalted, it will reinforce your ambitions and the ability to be a leader. This will focus your energy in a specific direction. A strong Mars can be too aggressive and will attempt to control others. Mars in debilitation will diffuse your energy, but this is not necessarily negative; just make sure you don’t race around wasting energy. Mars in an enemy house could be uncomfortable time because of anger or frustration. Mars in its own house will be positive. In Aries the spirit of adventure tinged with idealism will be strong. In Scorpio, it will seek its higher spiritual life direction.


The relationship between Mars and its nakshatra ruler is of vital importance. The nakshatra itself will guide your spiritual direction but the relationship between the two will show whether you are comfortable with it or not. For example, if Mars is placed in any of the nakshatras ruled by Saturn (Pushya, Anuradha and Uttarabhadra pada), then during its dasha you will feel a conflict at the deepest level concerning the events of the period.

火星和它的nakshatra星宿守护星之间的关系至关重要。nakshatra本身将引导你的精神方向,但两者之间的关系将显示你是否对此感到舒适。例如,如果火星在土星所统治的任何一个nakshatras (Pushya, Anuradha和Uttarabhadra pada),那么在它的dasha期间,你将在最深层的层面上感受到关于这一时期事件的冲突。

Mercury Dasha水星Dasha

Mercury is the planet of intellect and reasoning. It is essentially a planet which seeks reasons for the life we are experiencing now. It is a time for reasoned debate and expansion intellectually. Mercury is very changeable and therefore will naturally reflect its temperament in the form of you changing your mind frequently! A Mercury dasha leads to greater freedom of expression, especially coming after 19 years of the restrictive Saturn dasha.


If Mercury is exalted, it will make for a strong intellect which is very rational and focused. Mercury in debilitation will cause you to react emotionally, leading to mood swings and the knowledge that you are not thinking things through logically. A debilitated Mercury in its dasha can also indicate a tendency to depression and lack of mental stability.


Mercury in an enemy’s house you can expect some internal conflict. Mercury in its ownhouse will be positive. In Gemini, sometimes you find yourself doing two jobs, following two vocations in life and feeling very comfortable with it. As before, study the nakshatra Mercury occupies and the relationship with its ruler to understand the deeper meaning of the dasha.


Jupiter Dasha木星Dasha

Jupiter rules all good things in life and during it dasha you will find expansion and happiness. If Jupiter is not a good planet for you, there may be the temptation to take unnecessary risks, which can create problems. The feel-good factorduring a Jupiter dasha is strong and sometimes you take the easy way out;consequently you may find you haven’t achieved much by the end of it.


Jupiter is the karaka of sons, your husband, wealth, gurus and teaching, so all these aspects will be highlighted. A Jupiter dasha/antar dasha will usually be the time you have children, get married or meet the love of your life (for women only).

木星是儿子、你的丈夫、财富、导师和教育的指标星,所以所有这些方面都将被突出。木星dasha/antar dasha通常是你有孩子、结婚或遇到你生命中的真爱的时候(仅限女性)。

If Jupiter is exalted, you are sure to be granted your desires - this period will be full of promise. Marriage, children, happiness can all be predicted. Jupiter in debilitation shows a strong inclination towards financial gains and practical rather than spiritual life direction. Here you may well meet a partner who is not so spiritually connected. Jupiter in an enemy’s house will not be completely happy, so the dasha may not bring the bountiful results you expect. In this case it can lead you in the wrong direction or make errors of judgment. Jupiter in its own sign will give very good results. In Sagittarius, the focus will be towards teaching, growing from within, becoming recognised as an authority. In Pisces, there is a more profound aspect to Jupiter. Here the desire will be to merge with the eternal; in practical terms that means having an idealistic way of looking at life.


Venus Dasha金星Dasha

Venus rules the fine things in life like beauty, music, dance, pleasures, jewellery and finances and during its dasha you are likely to be attracted by any of them. Marriage is quite possible in this dasha. It strengthens existing relationships and shows just how much we want quality in our lives; Venus desires the best and it is here that we seek it. Try to remember throughout this dasha that, as in the mythological story, Venus can satisfy our material needs but it does not promise happiness.


If Venus is exalted, expect a wonderful Venus dasha. All your material desires will be granted. It is a time for success. Venus in debilitation shows a difficult period in your relationships. For men, this could be a trying time with your wife, or you may find yourself being over critical with others. Venus in anenemy’s house will not be totally happy, so during its dasha you may get into a relationship which creates conflict either within yourself or with others. Financially, you may be making money from something you are not totally happy with. Venus in its own sign will give very good results. In Taurus, the focus will be towards more practical desires. Hard work, practical financial considerations and indulging your passions will be very strong. Passions can be for money, relationships, women, food and anything you relate to good times. This will be a good dasha where achievement from own efforts is also indicated.


Saturn Dasha土星Dasha

Saturn is regarded as the most difficult dasha. Here it is important to remember that it can be your greatest friend if you understand its dictates. With a bit of discipline a Saturn dasha can be very positive; it can give rewards which are long-lasting and permanent but only to those who work for them. A Saturn dasha during childhood can be tough as its lessons are difficult to deal with at a young age. If Saturn is in exaltation, it will give you excellent results. You will be naturally hard-working and responsible, but if it is debilitated, it will be a battle to achieve anything. The dasha can be one where you will find yourself acting contrary to the Saturnine restrictions and this can create problems.


Saturn in an enemy sign will make it hard for you to understand its power. It can lead to a difficult dasha which will need wisdom and patience to deal with. Saturn here can also create problems with health. In its own house it gives a strong sense of duty. In Capricorn, the approach will be pragmatic whereas in Aquarius you will be trying to sublimate your own needs and work for others.


Rahu Dasha北交点Dasha

The effects of a Rahu dasha largely depend on its dispositor and the house placement. Rahu is always about experiencing life. During this dasha you must consciously try to control your ambitions; Rahu recognises no boundaries so it can create unrealistic expectations which are be frustrating if you can’t achieve them. Rahu is the mouth of the snake so its venom is felt at the beginning of the dasha. I find the beginning and end of a Rahu dasha have to be handled with care when karmic influences dominate; how it will play out later in your life becomes difficult to judge.


During a Rahu dasha you also have a sub-dasha of Ketu. Here the karmic axis of your life becomes activated you can progress spiritually; its revelations can lead to the discovery of your spiritual self, thus changing the whole course of your life. It can also help you to recognise karmic limitations or become aware of your destiny.


Ketu Dasha南交点Dasha

Ketu differs from Rahu here as you feel like giving up things rather than experiencing them. You may feel like changing jobs, giving up your old lifestyle or even moving into a retreat. Most people experience very powerful life issues over which they have no control. A Ketu dasha will lead to a spiritualising process, the soul is ready for it; there can also be immense success. It’s important to realise though, that the end of the dasha usually takes away whatever has been given at the beginning; as always, check which houses are involved in the Rahu Ketu axis as they will indicate the areas of your life that will be affected by this dasha. Most people will experience this axis only once in their lives and find it can bring with it intense experiences.

南交点不同于这里的北交点,因为你想放弃一些东西,而不是去体验它们。你可能想换工作,放弃旧的生活方式,甚至想隐居。大多数人都经历过他们无法控制的非常严重的生活问题。一个南交点dasha将导致一个灵性的过程,灵魂已经准备好了;也可以有巨大的成功。然而,重要的是要意识到,dasha的结束通常会带走开始时给予的任何东西;像往常一样,检查哪些宫位涉及Rahu Ketu轴,因为它们将表明你的哪些生活领域将受到这个dasha的影响。大多数人一生中只会经历一次这个轴,并发现它可以带来强烈的体验。
















年月 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 10月 11月 12月

1974 27 4 4 7 10 11 14 18 22 26 2 5

1975 9 13 13 16 19 22 25 1 6 9 13 15

1976 21 23 25 27 3 6 8 13 18 18 22 25

1977 2 6 6 9 12 15 17 21 25 2 5 8

1978 12 16 17 20 23 26 1 5 9 13 16 19

1979 22 26 26 3 6 9 12 13 17 21 24 26

1980 4 7 9 12 15 19 21 25 2 6 9 11

1981 16 19 19 23 25 2 5 9 14 16 19 23

1982 26 2 2 6 8 10 13 16 21 25 1 4

1983 8 11 11 14 17 20 23 27 4 8 12 14

1984 19 22 23 26 2 4 7 12 16 19 23 23

月的京 个性特质

1羽衣京 天真纯洁,拥有领导才能

2美珠京 美丽又多才,思想保守顽固

3光辉京 拥有聪明睿智,缺点是懒惰

4炎上京 行为冲动,却有颗天真的心

5荣枯京 处事冷静,既感性又脆弱

6飞蝶京 向往自由,凡事先做了再说

7微笑京 天使般的笑容,思绪起伏大

8山樱京 习惯我行我素,想法单纯

9迷宫京 柔美的外表,出世能力超强

10艺*京 天生具有明星风采,自尊强

11旅人京 强烈自我,在外地较有发展

12铁扇京 相当固执己见,个性很强硬

13清水京 正义感十足,易被爱情所伤

14猛禽京 气度宽宏,很有年长人缘

15黄金京 大美女型人物,心软易受伤

16双女京 个性多重,对爱情相当理性

17狩猎京 好胜心强,是感性纤细的人

18神秘京 个性保守,老被命运所捉弄

19独步京 个性活泼,但内心常感孤寂

20冷智京 文静典雅,外表有些冷漠

21女帝京 典型东方女性,爱追求刺激

22梦幻京 浪漫爱幻想,讨厌付出努力

23红莲京 人缘极佳,向往自由的恋情

24秀明京 个性漂浮不定,对爱不专一

25伯爵京 个性文静,但情绪起伏不定

26绚烂京 个性冷静,是强烈的野心家

27乱舞京 游手好闲,常被爱情牵制











缺点就是不肯付出努力,所以在考试或就业方面会尝到失败滋味。其实你很胆小,常常想太多而不敢做事。太了解人性,所以不敢也不喜与人交往。只要能克服[胆小]与[懒惰]这两个缺点 ,一定能大有所为。















































































太阳星座是阳性的,热的 干的,和金星 木星 月亮和谐有正面影响力,太阳在白羊座和狮子座有正面影响力。在天平座和水瓶座影响力是负面的,太阳影响人们的精神自我,志向,野心,职业,岗位,声望,太阳星座的好坏影响眼睛和心脏,代表东方,日主星是星期天。







太微垣一共有二十个星官:太微左垣、太微右垣、谒者、三公、九卿、五诸 侯、内屛、五帝座、幸臣、太子、从官、郎将、虎贲、常陈、郎位、明堂、灵台、少微、长垣、三台。






Chapter End