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正文翻译-------------译者:平头哥--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------0


评论翻译-------------译者:平头哥--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------0pricklypickleThe lychee looks so fresh. Lychees at the store are heavy with pesticide and preservative that they dont stay fresh for long :(荔枝看起来很新鲜。商店里的荔枝农药和防腐剂含量很高,不能长时间保鲜 :(0Tuong CaoIn Vietnam we call this fruit "Vai" and it''s the most delicious fruit I ever ate在越南,我们称这种水果为“Vai”,这是我吃过的最美味的水果0Hong Lor ChhongShe is like Li Ziqi the best in China i am so impressed by her skills well done to her她像李子柒一样都是中国最出色的,我对她的技艺印象深刻0Joanna Steve RogersI wish I could have Doraemon''s magic door so I can go there, under the Lychee tree我希望我能拥有哆啦a梦的随意门,这样我就可以去到那荔枝树下0Rosi kameiStaying in hostel and missing home so badly... But seeing your video is soo pleasing ?人在旅社,很想家…但是看到你的视频很开心0Subbing to everyone who subs to me with notis"Don''t lie who''s been a fan of DianX for more than a day"(?’? ??????? ?? ???????? ??? s??s ?? ??)?“不要对做了一天以上滇西粉丝的人撒谎”0Jessie DulaDawang wearing t-shirt and shorts. lol.大王穿着t恤和短裤。哈哈-------------译者:平头哥--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------0


Asha CDawang was so cute in that dress大王穿那件衣服很可爱0sreedevi sLegend says she''ll like your comment if you are early ?传说如果你早点来她就会点赞你的评论0My Story of FoodDianxie is a versatile cook. I never knew that lychees can be cooked into awesome dishes. Very innovative ??滇西是一个多才多艺的厨师。我从来不知道荔枝可以做成美味的菜肴。非常有创意0bloopDianxi''s little brother is growing up to be such a handsome young man ? he was only a child so many videos ago滇西的弟弟也能长成这么帅的小伙子吗?之前的很多视频中他还是个孩子0Jirah ArceI love you Dianxi Xiaoge??From your fan in the Philippines ???我爱你滇西小哥来自菲律宾的粉丝0IN- HumanI''m also eating lichis with my grandpa now.. such a co-incidence. Love From India??????????我现在也正和爷爷一起吃荔枝。多么美妙的巧合。来自印度的爱-------------译者:平头哥--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------0Mita DiaHi , Dianxi. The lychee looks delicious. All the food looks tasty. Dawang is so cute and polite. Lots of love from Bangladesh.嗨,滇西。荔枝看起来很美味。所有的食物看起来都很好吃。大王是那么可爱和有礼貌。来自孟加拉国的爱。0


Hanief PranataYES FIRST COMENT FROM INDONESIA来自印度尼西亚的第一条评论0Sirene VillasYey waiting for your new vlog,Dianxi. Thank you for making me happy everytime i watch your videos and Dawang. Hearing your voice also makes me calm等着看你最新的vlog,滇西。每次看到你的视频和大王都让我开心,谢谢你。听到你的声音也让我平静0Itolü DazoI haven''t had Litchees in forever ???我已经好久没吃荔枝了0Sri DirgaIn Bali we called this fruit is leci(lychee)在巴厘岛,我们把这种水果(荔枝)叫做leci0Singgih RachmawanSubtitled in English please....I''m from Indonesia..请加上英文字幕…我来自印尼。0Parinita TiwariI wish I could live with her for just one day..love her videos.????我希望我能和她一起生活哪怕只有一天…爱她的视频。-------------译者:平头哥--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------0Anna SriastutiAlways love you and everything around you永远爱着你和你身边的一切0


NCTzen snoopy jungwooLychee is so good with almond jelly荔枝配杏仁果冻很好吃0Elizabeth BesanaI love the moment when the whole family eat together.This video is very relaxing to watch.Thank you penjie for another great video. Watching from Philippines.Stay safe everyone.我喜欢全家人一起吃饭的时刻。这个视频看起来让人很放松。感谢你的另一个很棒的视频。我正在菲律宾看视频。希望所有人安康。0Scotty Don''know 7564Just look at everything she has in abundance while we have to buy alllllllllllllllllll of that.看看她所拥有的一切,然而我们不得不买所有的东西,而且还会买很多很多。0


rejina paudelLove from nepal..i am great fan.????来自尼泊尔的爱. .我是超级粉丝-------------译者:平头哥--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------0abc abcSometimes, I feel how blessed Chinese are with such a beautiful geography and amazing fresh vegetables and fruits that it gifted the world with !有时候,我觉得中国人是多么的幸运,拥有如此美丽的地方和神奇的新鲜水果蔬菜,这是它送给世界的礼物!0


WaldenLyChee is my favorite fruit in the whole wide world!!! If you have never tasted it, you don''t know what you''re missing. SOOO GOOOOD!荔枝是我在整个世界上最喜欢的水果!!如果你没有尝过,你不知道你正失去了什么。非常非常好吃!0Romy RosaI love Litchies so yeammyAlmost 1 year following herI wish to have many more years to come我非常喜欢荔枝,非常美味关注她差不多一年了我希望能有更多的年头0Umesh DubeyI must say that she lives in heaven."What else would one expect if he/she is blessed with the beautiful Nature around.我必须说她住在天堂里。如果一个人有幸拥有美丽的大自然,他/她还能期待什么呢?0


Nia ChanShe''s amazing as everrr她一如既往的神奇0


Emily SOMG that lychee tree. I can sit on the branches and eat lychees all day!这棵荔枝树真是哦买噶。我能坐在树枝上吃一整天荔枝!0


EDDIE ZOU5 分钟前0I have eaten all those dishes she made my fav was the fishThe literal translation of that fish is barbecued fish but it also not我吃过她做的所有菜,最喜欢的是鱼。那道鱼的字面翻译是烤鱼但也不确切。0Stanley D ?SanttiI was already missing you! I love everything about this Channel. A beautiful, docile woman with incredible skills in the kitchen! Add to this the constant presence of family members, this cute and beautiful dog ... and the pleasure of enjoying beautiful scenery !! How good to start my day with a video like this!我已经想念你了! 我喜欢这个频道的所有内容。 一个美丽,温顺的女人,技巧非凡的厨艺! 还有不断出现的家庭成员,这只可爱又美丽的狗,和享受美丽风景的乐趣! 通过这样的视频开始新的一天真是太好了!-------------译者:kkky--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------0pricklypickleWoah the boy grew up so quickly, I feel like only yesterday he was so small ?小男孩长的真是太快了!就在昨天还感觉他很小?0Gracy kameiThis year I can''t go home due to lock down so when I see litchi I remember my home ??but sister u are so lucky staying at home making testy Food spending your time with your family I love to see you all I miss my family too???由于封锁今年我不能回家了,所以看到荔枝时我想起了我的家。但是姐姐你真是太幸运了能在家里做这么美味的食物,和家人一起享受时光。我喜欢看到你也想念我的家人。0Assorted BerriesMuch love from the Philippines, i''ve been a big fan since day one???来自菲律宾的爱。第一天看就成了大粉丝。0I cannot stop twinkling.Wow that lychee tree is so beautiful it''s so satisfying to see这棵荔枝树真是太美了,看到它真让人满足。0Rosaura GarciaI just love how you cook and the love you put in your cooking. Wish I had the opportunity to go there so you can show me how to cook this wonderful meals. Keep up with your cooking. Stay healthy and God bless.我真是喜欢你做饭的方式和你对烹饪的热爱。希望我有机会去那里,这样你就可以教我如何做这顿美味的饭菜。保持你的厨艺。保持健康,上帝保佑。-------------译者:kkky--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------0Melissa CanillasLook how she dressed Dawang. Hahaha. Dawang is so cute ?看看她怎么打扮大王的。大王真是太可爱了。0juheeThis is quite interesting! I have never thought of lychees in the savoury context. Always as a refreshing summer desert... now I’m curious to try真是太有趣了!我从没想过用荔枝做小吃的事。永远是一道清新的夏日甜点.....现在我非常想试试。0Ariq Nizarnever thought that lychee could be a savoury dish从没想过荔枝可以做小吃。0Liezl 22if i have a second life i will choose to live on your homeland,.hi Xioage ?? from Philippines ?? sending some ???如果我有第二次人生的话,我要选择出生在你的家乡。0Neha MandrekarI really love the way u cook and I personally would like to have it .. love you.. ????????could u plz give English subtitles in your video.. ???love u Dawang.. loved his hair cut.. he looks cute in d outfits.. love from India, Goa我真是喜欢你烹饪的方式,而且我个人也很想尝尝...爱你。能不能请你给你的视频加上英文字幕。喜欢你的大王...喜欢他的发型...他穿着套装的样子真是可爱。来自印度的爱。-------------译者:kkky--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------0Jamil BagiwWhen i first watch your video i couldn''t stop viewing it..?第一次看你的视频就停不下来了0Ruby Jean TubleLove it so much ..I''m you''re avid fan here in Philippines .. I love the family closeness , the environment ,so cozy ..I wish I could visit you hometown to meet you in person and also dawang and the rest of the family非常喜欢...我是你的菲律宾狂热粉丝..我喜欢这亲密无间的一家人,如此温暖的氛围..我希望拜访你的家乡,见一见你、大王和你的家人。0Anh ??Omg, I like the beauty of your brother: the brown skin, the muscle on his arm, his voice,... It''s such a good person!偶滴神..我喜欢你英俊的兄弟:棕色的皮肤,胳膊上的肌肉,他的嗓音...真是个好人(乖乖站好♂)0Mai SempliceOh my G!! Im craving lychee and im pregnant and Im watching this video I want to go inside the computer right now!!! can i have some please. Anyway always watching your videos.watching from Italy.OMG!我好馋荔枝啊,现在我在怀孕,看了这个视频想立即冲到电脑里!!!请给我来一点。不管怎样,会一直看你的视频的。来自意大利。0Arada TantongI love lychee Although it is fat, but I can eat many kilograms a day.我喜欢荔枝,虽然它会发胖,但是我一天能吃很多公斤。-------------译者:kkky--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------0Rowena MabiniWhat kind of fruit is that?by the way i like dawang he''s so cute,???这是什么水果?顺便说一句,我喜欢大王,他真可爱。0JustSome GuyWithAbeardThis is blasphemy... Cooking lychi like that... Absolute blasphemy.这是亵渎。。。像那样煮荔枝。。。绝对的亵渎。0Septi Tri WidiastutiFrom all the menu, absolutly I will choose lychee with ice在全部菜单里,我绝对贿选冰荔枝。0Oh oh OhI miss eating Lychees.我想吃荔枝了0realaviThis fruit adds great texture to fruit salad! My parents have this tree in their garden.这种水果让水果沙拉很有质感!我父母的花园中就有一棵这种树。0Chinenye Hoàng Y?nWe have never made lychee salad or cooked this kind of food in Vietnam. It''s surprised在我们越南从来没有做过荔枝沙拉或是做这种食物。真是惊喜。0Rosario ClaraI am Hispanic living in the USA and I love that fruit. I used to work for a Vietnamese attorney and I was able to taste a lot of your food and fruits.??♀?我是西班牙裔,住在美国,我喜欢这种水果。我以前为一个越南律师工作,我能尝到很多你做过的食物和水果